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- Star Trek: The Next Generation Official Communicator Pin
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- by KoHN Incorporated, Reviewed by Simon Plumbe
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- What's this? Are we really getting desperate, reviewing plain, simple
- pin badges? Well, not really as this fairly new release from the US
- is a variation on the now-common TNG communicator pin badges as it
- has one major difference to all of its rivals - it has a built in
- sound effects unit!
- By pressing the front of the communicator, a short chirp is heard
- which is very similar, although not quite identical, to the one on
- the show. In terms of size, it is perfect, although, because of the
- sound unit, it does protrude somewhat to the rear, so when the
- communicator is being worn it does stick out a bit. Still,
- considering what it does, they've managed quite admirably to fit it
- into such a small package.
- Looking briefly at the unit, there doesn't appear to be any way to
- open the commuicator up, so if the batteries run flat, then you're
- going have have to buy a new one. Also, the look of the communicator
- left a little to be desired. Instead of the familiar metal pin badges
- that most fans wear, or the matt-look that some fans are turning to
- which is closer to that on the series, the KoHN unit is constructed
- from plastic, and overly-reflective plastic at that! It looks as if
- the paint used is also too light in colour for the communicator.
- Overall, if you can live with the fact that it sticks out, then you
- might be tempted to get this, but it IS expensive, selling for around
- £10 - £15, so make sure that it's something you really want before
- you part with your cash.
- ST:TNG Transporter Playset by Playmates
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- Sort of reviewed by Matthew Crossman!
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- I could not believe it. After all this time waiting it was here. I
- had seen one in the States, but judging the way the figures were
- being released I was sure my money was better spent on other things.
- A whole year later and a solitary Transporter stands upon the shelf
- in front of me. I have waited so long. Then disaster strikes. Smarmy
- kid with Mother at two O'clock. He's seen it. He's seen me. Slowly we
- edge towards it. His eyes never leaving mine. Then the rush. My
- physical strength is just too much for him and he falls to the floor.
- Another casualty in Toys 'R Us. The kid begins to cry. Hastily I
- retrieve my phaser from my waistband and set it for stun. I'm
- surrounded, Mothers everywhere. I tap my oversized communicator.
- Nothing. Too much interference, I'll be bound. Either that or the
- batteries are dead. Tricorder readings suggest that the Mothers are
- hostile. Only one thing for it. Rapidly I unwrap my new prize and
- force my hand into the transporter pad. Damn it's a tight fit. Who do
- they think they are making these for, children? Eventually I manage
- to squeeze my hand in. I set co-ordinates for the car park
- and...nothing. Oh bloody hell, no batteries. Must make a dash for it.
- Rushing past them with phaser at the ready, I zig-zag down the aisles
- until I reach the counter. One last look over my shoulder reveals
- that the Mothers have given up the chase. Out of breath I make my
- purchase, and pick up three batteries on my way out. Safe at last.
- Once I return home I check the transporter for damage. None thank
- goodness. Then I put the batteries in place and position my Captain
- Picard figure in the transporter chamber. Wow! How do they do that?
- I'm off out now to sit in the Toys 'R Us car park until the Playmates
- Bridge arrives. Pass my anorak.
- Star Trek: The Next Generation - Bubble Gum
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- Reviewed by Gary Moffat
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- For these are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise boldly going
- were no man has gone before blowing bubbles.... and chewing gum.....
- Well what can you expect when you see a sweet being sold with the
- Next Generation logo on it all wrapped up in a nice blue box with the
- Enterprise and its crew stuck on the side?
- This product is being sold by using the Star Trek name and graphic
- material to sell sweets to the public and is directed at the younger
- (should I say) Generation.
- The cost of the product is minimal for what you get, A piece of
- chewing gum (which I think tastes bloody awful!) and a sticker with a
- number on it. Informing you there are more to collect. (Aha.
- collectables, good selling point.) However I managed to obtain not
- one but two boxes of these sweets and could I get a full set of
- stickers from over a thousand sticks of chewing gum - NO. The highest
- number I got was 32 and the lowest 4. Seems there should be more to
- make a viable collection.
- The pictures are the products redeeming quality as they are of good
- quality but they cover only the first season of The Next Generation.
- The pictures are small about the size of two postage stamps. But
- where they are supposed to be stuck? To make a full set/collection is
- not mentioned on the product packaging.
- Most collectables inform of a book etc. to be obtained separately for
- you to place the stickers in and feel some sort of achievement in
- getting yet another blank space filled and not feel at all guilty of
- ruining your dentists good work.
- The cost of the sweets makes the product a good buy and it does
- advertise The Next Generation but in the whole it is a exercise in
- selling a poor product with a quality name.
- Star Trek - Micro Machines Collector Set
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- Reviewed by Sven Harvey
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- Following the release of the individual Star Trek and Star Wars Micro
- Machines sets Galoob are expanding their range. Following on from
- last years sets (as detailed in one of my previous articles) the
- first part of this year saw the release of the second ST: The Next
- Generation set, a ST: Deep Space Nine set and a change in the first
- Next Gen set.
- The original versions of the Star Trek: The Next Generation set
- included a Romulan Warbird, a Borg vessel and a Klingon Vor'cha
- Battlecruiser and can be identified by coloured bands at the top of
- the card. The new version along with the new sets and re-releases of
- the Star Trek and Star Trek Movies sets have a blue grid design on
- the top. The major difference though is the inclusion of the USS
- Enterprise NCC-1701-D, replacing the Borg vessel. The new set is in
- very short supply, so if you see one buy it as it was reported (by Mr
- Models in Bearwood, near Birmingham) to only appear twice in three
- assortment boxes containing a total of 150 sets!
- The first of the two new sets include the Borg vessel after its
- removal from the first Next Generation set, a Ferengi Marauder and a
- Starfleet shuttlecraft named Berman (of course this isn't named after
- anyone who worked on the show and has a big head, honest). The Deep
- Space Nine set includes DS9 itself, a Runabout class scout and a
- Cardassian Warship.
- As with the previous sets all the models are excellent and well
- painted. The only problem I had was the lack of the movie Enterprise,
- NCC-1701-A...
- Well in April Galoob did something about that when the second version
- of the collectors set appeared. This replaces the set that consisted
- of the FIRST three sets of the range (including the Borg, NOT NCC-
- 1701-D) which retailed at around £14.99. This new set comprises of
- all five of the sets in a new window display box and an exclusive
- model of the USS Enterprise NCC-1701-A.
- The box itself shows all of the models in front of a red to orange
- planet except the Enterprise-A which is in a special window of its
- own at the top. The actual model of the Enterprise-A is not quite as
- good as the others (though it is almost the right colour unlike the
- bright blue Excelsior and Reliant). It has some very strange flanges
- between the warp nacelles and the pylons which are far too oversized
- and the disc section is a little too thin at the edge.
- The new set retails at around £24.99. However there are some
- differences in the new collector set. The Borg vessel is painted
- using a black and more metallic paint rather than the rather dull
- grey and brown as with the carded version and there are slight
- colouration variances on the Enterprise-D, Deep Space Nine and other
- models. Unfortunately the Reliant and Excelsior are still in glorious
- Richter-colour (i.e. bright blue and not white and grey respectively
- - does anyone remember Tobias Richters brilliant original Star Trek
- animations with bright blue movie starships?) but all in all a VERY
- good buy and should be on every Trekkers Christmas list!
- Micro Machines 16 piece collector set; rating 82%
- Argos have worked out a special deal with Galoob to sell an EXCLUSIVE
- Argos Star Trek: The Next Generation gift set consisting of;
- A LORRY ?!?
- this pack is NOT available anywhere else in the UK. Therefore this
- pack is likely to rocket in value as soon as it is discontinued. GET
- ONE NOW! Price - £9.99
- Playmates Star Trek: The Next Generation Bridge Playset
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- Reviewed by Sven Harvey
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- Yes the Bridge playset is now available in Britain! The set itself is
- absolutely enormous when fully assembled and no one will find it easy
- to find somewhere big enough to put it. It consists of a grey base
- which contains most of the electronics with Worfs console sticking
- out. All the walls and doors are then added alongside the viewscreen,
- chairs, computer consoles and the big horseshoe shaped surface which
- stretches from Rikers chair to Trois via the top of Worfs console.
- The viewscreen is a typical view of a Warbird while both ships orbit
- a planet. In fact the view reminds me very much of "Contagion".
- A switch on the pillar under Worfs console turns on the unit an
- lights up the viewscreen with the familiar viewscreen on sound
- effect. There are a further 7 sound effects which can be activated
- using buttons on the security console at the top of the horseshoe.
- The first is hailing frequency open and is perfect and is followed
- automatically a few moments later by a channel closed sound. Second
- is the "computer sound effect. Unfortunately it is nothing like the
- NCC-1701-D computer and is more like the sound you would expect from
- the NCC-1701 computer. The next effect is red alert. The claxon is
- excellent (and a red light under the viewscreen glows on and off) but
- is accompanied by the shields up sound. However BOTH are repeated
- several times. Of course the shields are only put up once! The next
- three sounds are phaser, photon torpedo and tractor beam and all
- three are accompanies by a red dot appearing on the viewscreen which
- is quite effective (though the wrong colour for the tractor beam) The
- final sound is the ship going into warp drive and is identical to the
- one on the Enterprise toy and very good.
- There are a lot of stickers to put on the bridge but they are easier
- to apply to the toy than the stickers for the shuttlecraft were. The
- stickers once applied are very effective including decals for all the
- computer panels, the wall panels, science stations and even the
- commissioning plaque. Everything you would expect to move on the
- bridge does including the conn and navigational consoles and the
- computer terminals by the first officer and counsellors chair.
- Finally the door to the main turbolift and the observation lounge
- open by a clever cog system by just moving a single lever. They stick
- a little and spring back very quickly if you're not careful, just
- like the real set! One noticeable thing is the set of three
- connections under each of the opening doors suggesting add-ons to
- clip onto the bridge. What's more now we know that one of them is
- going to be an Engineering playset. I just hope they put a turbolift
- between them simply because you don't simply walk off the bridge and
- into engineering...
- Bad points? There are only a couple, the first being the lack of the
- lights at the bottom of the viewscreen which merge together which
- would have provided more of a sense of the bridge. Also missing is
- the background hum/growl of the impulse engines and the sound effect
- that accompanies the below viewscreen lights, yep that sound you get
- when The Final Frontier loads up and you don't put any music on... I
- suppose you could just load TFF each time you want the set to feel
- right. Also it would have been nice to have an opening door to the
- Captains ready room and the option to buy the ready room itself...
- A very good piece of merchandise (can Playmates do no wrong now they
- have learned from the com-badge?) and is well recommended at £50
- (even if it's without the blueprint) but think carefully if you want
- the USA version and check your toy store before spending up to £90!
- There is also one other thing I would like someone to do. The
- viewscreen is just begging to be replaced by a small TV screen, if
- anyone does this please send in a picture, I would love to see TFF
- appear on the bridge viewscreen! Or maybe Will Riker playing Zool?
- Data using DPaint? Or even Worf watching wrestling...
- Playmates Bridge Playset; Rating 89%
- Classic Trek Communicator by Playmates
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- Reviewed by Simon Plumbe
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- What can I say other than WOW! I've seen a lot of Star Trek toys over
- the years, soem good, some bad and others just average, but when it
- comes to replicas of equipment and props used on the show, I have got
- to be honest when I say that I have NEVER seen anything as good as
- this!
- What you get for your money is a life-sized hand-held communicator
- from the original series complete with flip-open antenna, flashing
- lights and three different sampled sound effects. First of the sound
- effects is the "paging" sound used on the show whenever a signal was
- being received by the communicator. Next to that on the unit is the
- button to activate the antenna opening effect. Finally is the sound
- heard when the communicators are being tuned to alternative
- frequencies, this time accompanied by a synchronised flashing green
- LED.
- Unfortunately, the antenna grid needs to be opened manually either by
- lifting it up or with a quick flick of the wrist, but to add a
- durable, reliable spring mechanism would have been too costly. The
- grid is initially a little stiff, and many people have expressed
- difficulties in opening the unit just by flipping it, but it's all a
- matter of technique! All you need to do is flip the unit forwards,
- and then quickly snap your wrist back to provide a "stop" motion to
- allow the antenna to continue moving and therefore open. I know it
- sounds difficult, but it's easy once you get the hang of it!
- Also, the sound of the antenna opening is not automatic, so while you
- are trying the above, you need to press the sound effect button at
- the same time for realism! Still, once you get the knack of it, it
- looks really impressive!
- The sounds themselves are of a very high standard, with relatively
- clear samples and tey are loud enough to be suitably annoying when
- you keep playing with your communicator all over the house!
- As with other Playmates replica props, there is a beltclip on the
- back, although this time it is unobtrusive and when the unit is being
- held, you won't really know it's there.
- One thing I was really impressed with was the build of the unit. it
- seems to be designed to take more than a few knocks, although at the
- same time looks very stylish and not designed as if its primary use
- is as a toy. It is quite heavier than you would expect for its size,
- being heavier than both the TNG phaser and tricorder combined, but
- this only adds to the feel of the unit and gives you the impression
- that you've just purchased an original prop rather than a £20 toy.
- One nice touch that I really liked was the inclusion of an extra red
- LED connected to another button - the emergency signal button as seen
- in the episode "Day Of The Dove". There isn't any sound to go with
- it, but there wasn't in the episode either. Its just touches like
- this that really give you a sense that a lot of care and time was
- taken over the production of this.
- Overall, this is a stunning piece of merchandise and one that should
- be an essential part of any Classic Trek fans collection. The only
- thing wrong is that, if you are like me, the batteries won't last you
- five minutes as you'll never stop playing with the thing!! Simply the
- best item Playmates have ever released.
- Playmates DS9 Runabout
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- Reviewed by Sven Harvey
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- Being the first non-figure DS9 merchandise release from Playmates
- this toy has been one of the most awaited of the range. The model
- comes in a brightly coloured box featuring some good artwork. The
- moment you open the box you realise that this release is up to the
- previous standards - externally at least - of the previous ships
- (Enterprise, Shuttle Goddard, Warbird and Vor'cHa attack crusier).
- The model is of decent build quality but really comes into its own
- when the outer markings are applied giving it a finished appearance
- that rivals the AMT/Ertl kit. The colours are correct, as are the
- placing of most of the external features. It is unfortunate however
- that an optional sensor pod, and alternative markings for each of the
- Runabouts we have seen were not included. The actual warp nacelles
- also look a bit to angular, too box like in appearance on comparison
- with video footage of the show and the AMT/Ertl kit.
- The phaser sound effect is very clear and very obvious, but the other
- sound effect is less impressive. It is supposed to be the wormhole
- opening with the background hum of the impulse engines but just
- doesn't convey that at all. However I must be fair and say that using
- this particular technology for reproducing the sounds they really
- could not have done any better. An alternative sound effect, such as
- warp speed, would, however, have made all the difference. That aside
- the actual buttons to activate the sound effects are not to obtrusive
- on the look of the model unlike on the Goddard shuttle.
- Unfortunately the entire model is let down by its interior. The
- cockpit is nothing like that in the series and involves the placing
- of decals in positions nearly as tricky as the Goddard shuttle. A
- lone figure sits in the command seat with the control panels
- swiveling out to give access. Not too hot from a collectors point of
- view, but okay for children (who are not that observant while
- watching the series!). The passenger seat is situated at the rear of
- the craft, whereas you lift up the rear of the Runabout to place a
- figure inside. A very dodgy idea that has not been executed too well.
- It would have been better to have a solid back.
- Overall a nice addition to the collection, but don't send your money
- to the importers - it's not worth that much. Wait for Bandai to
- decide whether or not to release it over here first.